
The amazing CHIPFAT chain oil,........ years ago I was a mechanic in the motor trade and we had a rep in from a company that did a demonstration, the results were amazing and something I always remembered. I mixed a few products together with an oil base and tried it on my bike, there was a noticeable difference, a lad came in the pub on his bike and I asked him to try it and he said the same, I was telling a few biker friends about it and they said I ought to bottle it, good idea i said, but what shall I call it, my mate Tony said jokingly ''CHIPFAT'' so here we have it, an 180ml mixture of magnificence..with special sealable top, it really is easy to use, just unscrew the smaller of the two tops and squirt away lightly on inside of chain ..I have used it on my bike for 11k miles and the chain and sprockets show no sign of wear, no idea how many applications it will cover but i'd guess 20 ish ............... you can keep it in your pocket .....special offer ""free postage"" buy from ... or collect from pub...